Saturday, January 30, 2010


It's been raining here for over a week. I miss the sunshine!


Friday, January 29, 2010

The Great Weight Loss Challenge!

Since Miss K came along I have found myself desperately wanting to loss weight. I have never been one to watch what I eat and am generally the one sitting on the couch munching on cheesecake whilst proclaiming "I really need to lose this belly." The reality is though, that I've haven't actually ever tried to lose weight. I've always been one of those frustrating people for whom excess weight just melts away. Not this time baby.
So in an effort to motivate myself a feel a reward is in order. I have decided that for every 5kgs I lose I deserve  a treat. 
My first one will be fancy smancy stainless steal water bottle (promoting healthy habits, right?). Only problem is choosing which one.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The never ending...

When I first discovered I was going to be a mum several things crossed my mind. The main one being "why the crap am I not totally freaked out right now??" (I was 18 and had just peed on a stick in the shopping centre toilets because I was to impatient to wait till I got home). All I could think about for the following 8months was the tiny life growing inside of me. The tiny life that God had allowed my body to build. No amount of science or worldly knowledge could do what I was doing in that moment. I was growing an actual living breathing human being, whom would be mine to love forever. I was aware of the fact that this was going to be an incredibly hard and long journey.
What I didn't comprehend though was the amount of mess a baby makes once it stops being a baby and grows into an actual noisy, sweaty, adventurous child (also overlooked was that a baby grows into a child). Perhaps if I had been a little older and wiser I would have realized the importance of teaching Master N to wipe his hands when he finished eating, the correct way to tidy up his toys and not to touch the DVD's. But I didn't. I had hardly worked out for myself how to live without my own mumma cleaning up after me so it's no surprise I didn't work this out sooner.
Now I am slightly older and watching other friends join me on this great parenthood adventure. I can't help but feel a pang of regret when I see them teaching their children the things I didn't know to teach mine when I first started out. If I had taught them those things would days like today still happen?? Would I still have days when the boys are so wild and loud and excitable that they can't help but leave a giant trail of mess everywhere they look? My guess is yes. My guess is no matter the amount of training you do, a one year old is always going to be neater then a three year old. My guess is that (no matter your age) when you are crazy enough to have all three of your kids in three years your life is going to be messy. Very very messy.
But you know what? The 20seconds they spend being adorable somehow makes up for it. Somehow when they climb onto my lap all covered in kid sweat and snot and whisper in a teeny tiny voice how much they love me, I forget about the tear my hair out phone called I made to my best friend only seconds earlier and realize that no matter how bad it gets, I wouldn't change them for the world.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tea please!

I am a tea person.
Always have been, and properly always will be. Coffee has never done it for me.
Sitting in my cupboard is a set of beautiful teacups that I believe once belonged to my great grandmother. My own mumma gave them to me over a year ago and so far I have used them only once.
Every time I open the cupboard I look at them longingly and then proceed and pick up the ugly Bunnings mug I was once given as a gag gift.
So today, in an effort to live life experiencing the beauty I am dusting them off and changing my cup of tea moment into a cup of tea moment.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who... are... you?

Caterpillar: Who... are... you?
Alice: Why, I hardly know, sir. I've changed so much since this morning, you see...

Who am I??
I am Amie, mumma to 3 little munckin's. my world revolves around them.
 i love lollies and gelato.
 I never understood why people buy puppies until I found one I adore.
 I hate that I don't always keep in touch with the people I should.But am trying harder.
 I am currently obsessed with bubbles, white paint and Martha Stewart... she is my hero. 
If I had a day to do whatever I wanted, I would choose to sleep.
 I'm addicted to Grey's Anatomy + Twilight and wish it would never end.
 I hate folding laundry but love clean floors and crisp linen, but don't get to experience them often.
I believe I am turning into a 40year old woman. I also believe that living without purpose is not living at all. I don't always know what my purpose is.
 I like to read. I hate to dance, if I could dance that would be different.
 I like to sing but, well, Michael could tell you about that. 
I wish I had the ability to tell the people I love that I love them more often.
I love searching the net for beautiful things
 Milk used to make me queasy until I had my last bubba.
 Seeing the mountains shows me Gods magnitude. 
I like beads but never wear them...why??
 I like the sound of the sprinklers outside.
 I don't think many people actually know me. I like the smell of hairspray.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I always dreamed I’d live a life full of colour; A life of laughter, fun and beauty.
But I guess what you dream about isn’t always what you get.
But tomorrow is a new day.
Life is a choice.
I chose to see the colours.

And whats more colourful then a shiny face first thing in the morning.

So I'm starting a blog?

So this is it. I'm a bit slow. January is almost over. But it's still a new year right so I'm starting now.
 Even if it is a little later then I intended. 

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