Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sew Fun.

This past week I decided to man up and clean out the bomb site that was my walk in robe. 
So embarrassing to put these up, but you have to understand how disgusting it was.

It was worth it though as once it was clean I realised I now had the perfect -non stuck in the garage- hidey hole for my sewing things.

After going through all the things I don't wear I decided to re-purpose some of my old things into new pretty things for Miss Kayla (who has been a major grumpy all week).

I bought this dress just after Noah was born and then wore it all through the next two pregnancies plus in-between. So basically it's been a stable of mine for over 4 years. Pretty good for a $10 dress.

So before:

I couldn't get her to stand up.
Made from Make it and Love it tutorial.

Then I was in the sewing zone so I ended up making another dress from a maternity tshirt. (I get a bit of a kick out of the fact that Kayla now has two dresses made from clothes I wore will pregnant with her.)
Cute huh? I sew, Do You? tutorial

But wait there's more.

This one's my favourite I think.
Made using Everything your Mama Made tutorial.

And one more:
Pretty Girl dress using Create and Delegate tutorial.

Sorry the photo's arn't exactly flash. But she's so cute anyway.
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend



Sojourner said...

too CUTE and too CLEVER!!!! they look amazing!!!!! xoxo

Kymy ~ Everything Your Mama Made & More! said...

Those all turned out great :) I am glad you liked my tutorial.

Everything Your Mama Made & More!

Michelle Richmond said...

Fabulously clever she looks gorgeous. she obviously needed a new wardrobe she looks more than happy now!!

Shawna said...

Thanks for sharing Amie! Now that I have a sewing machine I'm going to try and do similar things...thanks for the links to the tutorials...I've been adventuring through the internet trying to find some good sites.

Ziva said...

These rock, now I want to throw out some old clothes just so I can make cute outfits!

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